Gifts of Check or Credit Card
Please visit our GIVE ONLINE page for a quick, easy, and safe way to give by credit card.
To make your gift by check, please make check payable to The da Vinci School and mail to:
The da Vinci School
Development Office
10909 Midway Road
Dallas, TX 75229
Please contact Cheryl at cbitner@davincischool.org or 214-414-1515, to set up your pledge arrangements to the school. All pledges must be paid by May 31 of the current school year.
Matching Gifts
If your employer offers a matching gift program, you may be able to double or triple your donation to the school. Contact your employer’s human relations office for eligibility and paperwork. Provide the school with the paperwork and we will follow up to complete.
Gifts of Securities
Please contact Cheryl at cbitner@davincischool.org or 214-414-1515, to ensure proper documentation prior to initiating this gift.